Number One:
This is important! The pitcher should control the Xelerator, not the reverse. When an object is spun in a circle, centrifigal force pulls the end object away from the center of the spin circle. The heavier the object that is being spun, the tighter the connecting strap and the more the course of the spin is controlled by the centrifigal force generated by the combination of weight and spin speed. If the Xelerator (in this case) is heavier, it extends the arm and determines the arm's spin course. Thus, the heavier the Xelerator, the more it controls the spin.
The lighter the weight, the less the arm is locked into its course and is then controlled by the arm's spin muscles. When more spin control muscles are activated in the spin process, muscle memory sets in faster and is more complete, in that more muscle is trained. The second generation Xelerator is as light as our current technology will allow (12oz), yet it has sufficient end weight to allow for the connecting strap to extend and allow the arm to spin in a controlled yet relaxed state.
So what did we get out of this? The lighter Xelerator allows the person spinning to control the Xelerator by using additional spin control muscles. The heavier the Xelerator, the more the spin is controlled by the centrifigal force rather than the person doing the spinning. Thus, the pitcher is controlling the Xelerator, not the Xelerator controlling the pitcher.
Number Two:
When the tube is light and the safety harness is flexible, the Xelerator reacts more readily to flaws in the spin motion. Most who use the Xelerator use it for the express purpose of developing an efficient, more linear pitching plane. Visually, you can more readily tell what is causing the plane to lose course and know what area of the spin the pitcher needs to work on. If the Xelerator is heavier, it does not react to pitching flaws because the additional centrifigal force maintains the tube on course and keeps the safety harness more taunt.
Number Three:
As mentioned in number two above, a flexible safety harness allows the user to more easily monitor the course of the spin motion. Ultimately, the goal for the safety harness is to provide light weight flexibility and a softness that makes it easier to wear on the wrist. When a pitcher spins 200-400 spins a day, ti is important that the material is not abrasive. I am continually testing new materials to imprive these three areas.
Number Four:
It should be self evident, but I will bring it up regardless. The lighter Xelerator not only allows the pitcher to control the spin, but it also makes the Xelerator more user friendly to the younger and smaller pitchers. The second generation Xelerator is the lightest spin trainer on the market, yet it is designed to be useful for all pitchers regardless of size. The pitcher never has to purchase another Xelerator. Having given you all the reasons why lighter is better, I should say that there are actually a very few people who might want more weight in the Xelerator. I personally am 5'11'' and weigh about 195 lbs. I spin the second generation Xelerator. However, someone may want additional weight. If you believe you need additional weight, we will custom build an Xelerator with an additional 2 1/2 ounces of end weight. Give us a call!